Zachary Richards


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Other Games Developed Using Unity

For the past little bit, I have been designing and developing games in Unity. Over this time, I have taught myself to program, design three-dimensional models, create digital art, and market and distribute the games I create.


All of the 3D models were created in Blender, and the visual effects and shaders were made in Unity. Cross network multiplayer is done using the Steamworks API. Reducing latency to an acceptable range while keeping the game synced between the clients was a major accomplishment of this project.

Ludum Dare 47 Game Entry

In the Ludum Dare 47 2020 game jam we had 72 hours to create a game from scratch with the theme of, "stuck in a loop". I created all of the assets, code, and visual effects for my submission during the 72 hours.

<h1> Web Development </h1>

Geography guesser game gif

I designed, developed and deployed multiplayer, web-based game using Node.js,, and HTML 5 Canvas. I configured AWS ECS to host a cluster of server instances in Docker containers along with creating an automated build and zero downtime deployment pipeline from GitHub to AWS. Traffic monitoring and revenue generation are done through Google Analytics, and Google Adsense respectively. This game took over a year to produce and has almost 200,000 pageviews since it’s initial release in October of 2018.

Tetris 66

This is a replica of the multiplayer battle royale style Tetris game called Tetris 99. I did not have a Nintendo Switch, the platform that the game was exclusive to, so in order to play it, I recreated it as a web application. The communication between clients in this game is done via a hosted Node.js server which manages information sent through WebSockets. All of the visuals are created with HTML, CSS, and HTML Canvas.

COVID-19 Case Tracker

This is an online data representation and prediction tool I wrote to interface with a COVID-19 dataset provided by Johns Hopkins University. It shows track the confirmed cases in a region over time and compares this data with other regions. My program also suggests to the user possible future outcomes by using the data from other regions. With a region selected, the user is able to click a button that finds similar curves to this region on a log base 10 scale. With this tool, it is possible to find the closest graph of cases and predict where a region may end in the future.

Country Guesser Game

This project sprouted from my interest in learning more countries and capitals of the world. I could not find any free applications for this, so I decided to create my own. Sadly, due to Google Fusion Tables being shut down as of December 3rd, 2019, this game is not currently working.

Other Experience


Languages and Libraries

Experience Deploying Applications On


vector art profile picture

[email protected]